Income Tax Key Legislation

Division 355 of the income tax assessment act 1997.
Income tax key legislation. The payment of income tax by individuals and companies the principle legislation is the income tax assessment act 1936 itaa 1936 and the income tax assessment act 1997 itaa 1997 and the fringe benefits tax assessment act 1986. Federal register of legislation australian government skip to primary navigation skip to primary content. The taxation and other laws relaxation and amendment of. The income tax assessment act 1997 is an an act of the parliament of australia.
Key tax acts access via the federal register of legislation formerly comlaw. The tax incentive is administered under two main pieces of legislation. Income tax assessment regulations 1997 statutory rules no. To provide compliance relief to taxpayers amid the coronavirus pandemic lok sabha has recently passed a bill that amends taxation laws.
The following material provides a guide to interpreting and understanding the intention of the legislation. New legislation guidance on tax and superannuation measures when new tax and superannuation measures and legislation are introduced we provide practical guidance for taxpayers deciding whether to follow the existing law or attempt to anticipate the proposed. Income tax assessment act 1997. Income tax assessment act 1936 income tax assessment act 1997 a new tax system goods and services tax act 1999.
27 of 1936 as amended taking into account amendments up to treasury laws amendment tax integrity and other measures act 2018 an act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the imposition assessment and collection of a tax upon incomes. 198 1997 made under the income tax assessment act 1997 compilation no. An act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the imposition assessment and collection of a tax upon incomes. Part iii of the industry research and development act 1986.