Income Per Capita Nepal

Nepal gdp per capita data is updated yearly available from jul 1960 to jul 2020 with an average number of 191 121 usd.
Income per capita nepal. Learn how the world bank group is helping countries with covid 19 coronavirus. The data reached an all time high of 1 084 955 usd in jul 2020 and a record low of 46 003 in jul 1964. The gross domestic product per capita in nepal was last recorded at 859 us dollars in 2019. Per capita income of nepal or any other countries can be measure as output of division of total number of population of certain area and total income of area.
This page provides nepal gdp per capita actual values historical data. Gdp per capita ppp constant 2017 international inflation gdp deflator annual oil rents of gdp download. If the growth rate remains the same it is doubtful that the per capita income target of us 1 200 will be achieved by 2022. Nepal global economic prospects examines trends for the world economy and how they affect developing countries.
Submitted by sujata shrestha on june 2 2014 3 58pm. Nepal gdp per capita for 2017 was 911 a 17 28 increase from 2016. Comparisons of national income are also frequently made on the basis of purchasing power parity ppp to adjust for differences in the cost of living in different countries. The report includes country specific three year forecasts for major macroeconomic indicators including commodity and financial markets.
Nepal s gdp per capita reached 1 084 955 usd in jul 2020 compared with 1 038 873 usd in jul 2019. In the current fiscal year nepal s per capita income has increased by only 4 4 percent. Nepal gdp per capita for 2016 was 777 a 1 94 decline from 2015. Gdp per capita in nepal averaged 413 68 usd from 1960 until 2019 reaching an all time high of 859 usd in 2019 and a record low of 266 usd in 1960.
Read more about district wise per capita gross national income 2014 kanchanpur. Gdp per capita current us nepal from the world bank. District wise per capita gross national income 2014 kailali. In the context it measures like total amount of earning by nepalese people divide by number of nepalese people.
Ceic extends history for annual gdp per capita. Download historical data save as image. The gdp per capita in nepal is equivalent to 7 percent of the world s average.