Income Of The Top 10 Percent Uk

According to hmrc taxpayer data from 2016 17 the 95th percentile of earnings began at.
Income of the top 10 percent uk. Since 1980 the share of income earned by the top 1 in the uk has generally been rising peaking to 13 in 2015. Top 10 45 000 top 5 60 000 top 1 150 000 these. The rise in median income has occurred during a period where the employment rate grew by 0 5 percentage points while real total pay for employees increased by an average of 1 0 across the 12 months in fye. Median income grew by an average of 0 7 per year between fye 2017 and fye 2019 compared with 2 8 between fye 2013 and fye 2017.
The most recent figures that run to 2014 show that the bottom half of uk households have just 9 per cent of the wealth whereas the top 10 per cent own 45 per cent of it. Wages for the bottom 90 only grew 23 9 in the same time period. Our friends at the tax office probably have the most accurate information on this but the catch is that the figures they put into the public domain are never bang up to date. This is almost double the corresponding figure for belgium 7 and still higher than australia 9 sweden 8 and norway 8 to name a few.
When it comes to annual income a salary of 80 000 would put someone firmly in the top 5 of uk earners. By 2015 16 the share of income going to the top 0 1 percent was the second highest it had ever been after 2009 10. For a couple with two children the median income of the top 10 is 151 400. Using administrative tax data we estimate top income shares for the uk through to 201516 at the time of writing the uk data held by the world income database stopped in 201415.
Top income shares fell back considerably in 2009 but there is now a cl ear upward trend. Median household disposable income in the uk was 29 400 in the financial year ending fye 2019 up 1 4 400 compared with growth over recent years. 2018a s findings that the main dataset used to measure income. The percentile points have been independently calculated on total income before tax and total income after tax.
Since 1979 the top 1 saw their wages grow by 157 8 and the top 0 1 by more than twice as much 340 7. The top decile of single adults earn a median income of 60 500 compared to just 8 600 among the bottom decile. This is because the top 1 have incomes substaintally higher than the rest of those in the top 10. However the gains were massively concentrated among the top 10 of britons whose unearned income doubled from an average of 19 000 each to more than 38 000 well above the average household.