Income Levels By Year

Households by total money income race and hispanic origin of householder.
Income levels by year. Income groupings remain fixed for the entire world bank fiscal year i e until july 1 of the following year even if gni per capita estimates are revised in the meantime. The bottom 90 earned 69 8 of all earnings in 1979 but only 61. Income disparity is the most dramatic when you look at how the distribution of wages has changed since 1979. Also i ve done the math for top 10 top 5 and top 1 incomes.
Cruise passenger arrivals 2018 by income. The top 1 is a bit hazy. Income of households by race and hispanic origin using 3 year and 2 year moving average medians 1 0 mb table h 17. The tables below provide income statistics displayed in tables with columns and rows.
Thus income data in this section refer to the 1970 2018 period and the counts of people from the same survey refer to the 1971 2019 period. 12 total compensation s share of gdp has declined by 4 5 percentage points from 1970 to 2016. Year on year growth of wages in germany 2011 2016 average salary of an employee in urban china 2016 2019 by geographic region progreso. Of earners those making more than roughly 112 000 a year have been big beneficiaries of.
Many tables are in downloadable in xls cvs and pdf file formats. In the survey respondents provide household income data for the previous calendar year. Real gdp per household has typically increased since the year 2000 while real median income per household was below 1999 levels until 2016 indicating a trend of greater income inequality. Prior to fy19 the income category of a country was not one of the factors which influenced lending decisions.
People in the aggregate tend to live work and socialize with people of similar income levels.